Monday, March 28, 2011

Progress: March 28, 2011

At the start of this project, I had thought that the GPS would be an important aspect of my work process, but it simply became a navigational tool. Instead, I was drawn to social media, because the core of the project is the tongue rug itself, both communication artifact and archive. I’m curious about how people build narratives through crafted objects.

I was recently in Quebec City to give a workshop for the Tweet Pals – Twitosphère project with Metropolis Blue. I took a day to visit a few museums, notably the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec and the Musée de l’Amérique française. Created in 1806 and situated at the historic site of the Séminaire de Québec, it is one of the first museums in Canada. The exhibit on the Augustines religious community (Moi, Augustine… Femme d’action et de prière) did not look intriguing at first glance, but it turned out to be a fascinating history lesson. The museum states that “the Augustines de la Miséricorde de Jésus religious community played a key role in developing Quebec’s healthcare system.” The objects on display from the Monastère des Augustines de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec’s collection are a testament to the order's religious devotion, their hospital work and their community service, dating as far back as 1639. The objects are also a window into the daily life of a cloistered community. It was these everyday artifacts that stimulated the artist in me, attracted to archives and ordering systems. I felt like I was on some sort of archaeology expedition, examining a self-contained micro-community — set off from the world and yet embedded within it through the notion of service. Surveying the glass cases filled with these “objects of routine”, I thought of Walser's Jakob von Guten (1909) and the film Institute Benjamenta by the Brothers Quay (1995).

Two displays captured my attention as I entered. One was a series of beads strung together in various forms, dating from the 19th and 20th c, and made of the commonest of materials like olive pits, wood and rolled up paper. They were called “Garland of Virtue” (Chapelet des vertus) and were thought to have been used by members of the order to count the many acts of virtue performed throughout the day. Another series of small wooden “Score Markers” (Plaquette de pointage) from the 19th and 20th c, about the size of a large deck of cards, were called “Game of Virtues”. Reminiscent of cribbage boards, these wooden surfaces were punctured with thirty numbered holes set out in three rows and attached to a string or wire with a wooden peg at the end of it. Each good deed was tallied throughout the day by pegging the respective number.



A handmade “Absenteeism Table” (Tableau indicateur d’absense, 1944) also piqued my curiosity. It was a simple wooden board with two rows of words carved into the surface with a small hole beside each word. A hook was affixed in the middle of the board and attached to it were two strings with a wooden peg tied to the end of each one. In this way, by pegging one of the holes beside a name, the location of a given person could be tracked.



What I found fascinating was the specificity of the list, how all the possible locations were already preconceived. This simple list of words spoke volumes of an ordered and regimented existence. If there were relatively little options of where one could possibly find oneself, ironically, members of the order probably enjoyed more freedom than most women living outside the community at that time. A world of learning was available within their microcosm: administrative duties, university studies, medical research, archives.

  • O.R.L.
  • R.X.
  • S. D’ÉTUDE

There were two names on the board that were supple enough, vague, to give a little wiggling room from these prescribed places: À L’EXTÉRIEUR (the outside) and DE RETOUR-BIENTÔT (back soon).

I decided to create my own tracking-board though it would not localize where I was (absenteeism), nor track any good deeds, but simply, mark where I had been in terms of documenting my Lapalme-Legault-Angerbauer waypoints. Compared to the Augustines’ absenteeism chart, my self-imposed list of placenames has very little constraints; my movements are not hampered safe for logistical complications, such as the lack of a cycling trail, a flat tire, or the remoteness of a location. Yet, if I am free to go where I choose, I am not that naïve to think that we are no longer “tracked” in today’s society. There is a sort of societal surveillance through GPS-enabled smart phones and our own digital traces through social networks.


Through the use of microblogging and the paths traced by my travels, I have crafted a virtual sladdakavring.  I thought it would be enough, but suddenly, there is a pressing need for object-ness after months of Web work. Lately, I feel the need to give form to the tongue rug, perhaps to bring the project to a close?



I decided I will explore the tongue rug further based on a series of blog sketches: (1) Blogger Tags Tongue Rug; (2) Twitter #Hashtag Tongue Rug; (3) Google Maps Tongue Rug; and, (4) Sladdakavring.

In January, I worked with Silver Tiger Printing in St-Henri on a set of silk-screened tongues. I wasn’t able to get the series underway in time for Reflets V. I will be participating in a group show at the Maison de la culture Marie-Uguay [April 7 - May 22, 2011]. I will simply show my online work in progress, talk of what I’ve been working on over the past years (cycling, blogging and twittering).

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Process: Broder le paysage par fils de conversation

I recently received the Five Roses Cook Book that I had ordered online, issued by Lake of the Woods Milling Company Limited, Montreal (1915). To my delight, I found an old newspaper clipping nestled between the pages — thrifty stylewise women… It's as good as finding money in the pocket of an old pair of jeans.

Thrifty stylewise women

It is this very haphazardness, the possibility of the chance meeting, that I enjoy most about Twitter — be it coming across a tidbit of information, an interesting link, or corresponding with another tweeter.

Tweets in time, fragments of thoughts, questions, flung out like fishing line on the water, floating and undulating with the current, and by chance, catching on to something in the flow — a @mention, a Retweet, a message. The #hashtag, much like a lure, directs conversation. I like the French word mot-clic. Un mot imagé. Not only a way to categorize the tweet, but a call to action. Le mot-clic mène à d’autres fils de conversation.

The twittersphere was abuzz about Twitter turning 5. @NathalieCollard started the thread:

Joignez-vous à la conversation et dites-nous pourquoi vous aimez gazouiller.

@tonguerug : sladdakavring virtuel. Broder le paysage, la websphère par fils de conversation. #5ansTwitter #montrealless than a minute ago via web Favorite Retweet Reply


Friday, March 4, 2011

Process: Lake of the Woods Milling Co. Ltd.

My community newspaper, La Voix Pop, has recently started including historical sketches written by Parcs Canada. This week’s edition broached the subject of flour: La farine, ingredient indispensable de l’essor industriel. Flour figures predominantly in the history of the Lachine canal because of the surrounding flourmills such as Ogilvie Flour Mills Co. Ltd. in the Old Port, the Dominion Flour Mills in Saint-Henri, and the St-Lawrence Flour Mills (now known as Robin Hood Multifoods) in Sainte-Cunégonde.


Photograph | Royal Mills, Ogilvie Flour Mills Co. Ltd., Montreal, QC, 1915 | VIEW-15386
Royal Mills, Ogilvie Flour Mills Co. Ltd., Montreal, QC, 1915
Wm. Notman & Son
© McCord Museum

Lake of the Woods Milling Company Ltd.

A detail of note was that the Ogilvie family bought Lake of the Woods Milling Company in 1954, which accounts for one of Montreal’s famous landmarks in the Old Port — the iconic FARINE FIVE ROSES FLOUR. It was renamed in 1977 to FARINE FIVE ROSES because of Quebec’s language laws. Matt Soar’s ongoing art project Farine Five Roses playfully deconstructs and re-imagines Montreal’s beloved sign with Love Letters, Farinagrams and a collective sketching process via Flikr — From Memory.

I chuckled at the disclaimer on his site disassociating itself with the Five Roses brand and the much sought out, out-of-print Five Roses cookbooks. I myself had purchased a copy of Five Roses Cook Book: Being a Manual of Good Recipes (1915) issued by The Lake of the Woods Milling Company: its flour was marketed under the name Five Roses.

Photograph | Lake of the Woods Milling Co. Ltd, Keewatin, ON, 1897 | VIEW-3053
Lake of the Woods Milling Co. Ltd, Keewatin, ON, 1897
William McFarlane Notman
© McCord Museum


I found a few photos on the McCord Museum website, as the mill no longer exists. It burned down in 1967. I was impressed by the McCord's on-line collection: by its intuitive interface, by its ease of navigation, and most importantly, by the Creative Commons license on all their photos. Allowing users to embed the properly attributed photos on their own sites, effectively enables the wide dissemination of an invaluable archive.


Photograph | Lake of the Woods Milling Co. Ltd, Keewatin, ON, 1897 | VIEW-3052
Lake of the Woods Milling Co. Ltd, Keewatin, ON, 1897
William McFarlane Notman
© McCord Museum


Though the Lake of the Woods headquarters were in Winnipeg and Montreal, the milling operations (est. in 1887) were based in Keewatin, Ontario, which is situated on the northern shore of Lake of the Woods, at the eastern extremity of Ontario close to the Manitoba border. According to the Lake of the Woods Museum, at one time, it was considered to be one of the largest milling centres in the British Commonwealth. 

Virtual Heritage Winnipeg provides the user with an interactive tour of the Exchange District, declared a National Historic Site in 1997. While the Lake of the Woods building at 212 McDermot Avenue previously served as headquarters for the mill, it now houses the Mayberry Gallery. Built in 1901, the house is an example of Romanesque Revival architecture and boasts impressive red brick facades with sandstone.


View Larger Map of Lake of the Woods


The Centre historique de Montréal : Vieux Montréal website is comprised of interactive blueprints of Old Montreal which reveal its rich heritage, history and architecture. In 1915, the Lake of the Woods Milling Company established its headquarters at the intersection of Saint-Sacrement and Saint-Jean. This building is quite unique in its two-tiered structure because the new construction, built in 1909-1910, kept the vestige of the Corn Exchange edifice, which was built in 1865-1866. The architects Ross and MacFarlane preserved the two first original floors and integrated them into their new design. A nice feature of this website is the integration of finely-conceived architectural drawings with the city grid.

Flour Mill / Moulin à fleur, Sudbury, Ontario

Flour Mill, Sudbury
The Flour Mill, Notre Dame Ave, Sudbury
Uploaded Jan 14, 2009 by by Richard R. Forget


I was surprised to find a reference to Lake of the Woods in the Greater Sudbury Historical Database. Sudbury’s Flour Mill area (Moulin à fleur for its resident francophones) is still marked today by the silos made of four-foot thick concrete walls that were built in 1883, the year the Canadian Pacific Railway made its way to Sudbury. According to the Greater Sudbury Libraries and Heritage Museums, the Lake of The Woods Milling Company Ltd. owned the silos. Les amis du Musée du Moulin à fleur are now working to refurbish the Flour Mill silos in an effort to conserve part of Sudbury’s industrial heritage.


Copyright Greater Sudbury Libraries and Heritage Museums
The Flour Mill silos post 1920
© Greater Sudbury Libraries and Heritage Museums.


I have memories of going to the warehouse beside the silos with my father as a child. His father, Joseph Armand, owned the wholesale business J. A. Lapalme & Sons Ltd. The company still exists today as J. A. Lapalme & Sons though it is now named after my uncle, Joseph Aimé. At the Grand opening of the Flour Mill Museum on October 5, 1974, the Flour Mill Action Committee purchased the Flour Mill Museum from Aimé Lapalme for $1.00.

The artifact as communicative device or interactive tool?

Copyright Greater Sudbury Libraries and Heritage Museums
Educational aid. Demonstration of the Modern Milling Process illustrating the making of Five Roses Flour. Issued by Lake of The Woods Milling Company Limited.
© Greater Sudbury Libraries and Heritage Museums.


The Greater Sudbury Historical Database describes this educational aid as a “communications artifact”. The Musée de la civilisation in Québec City also describes traditional tongue rugs in its collection as “communication objects”. Does this term mean that the object is a cultural artifact, meaning “anything created by humans which gives information about the culture of its creator and users” (Wikipedia)? Or is it rather an interactive tool, where a human user experiences something while interacting with an object?


Lake of the Woods Tongue Rug
Lake of the Woods Tongue Rug, c. 1930
Reverse view of the burlap bags from Lake of the Woods Milling Company Ltd.


I have a tongue rug made up of old suit material hemmed with red & tan fabric onto burlap bags from Lake of the Woods Milling Company Ltd. It is badly worn, but its form is intriguing. The overlapping tongues made up of various materials raise all sorts of questions.


Lake of the Woods Tongue Rug
Lake of the Woods Tongue Rug, c. 1930


Who made this rug? Was it a mill worker in Winnipeg or Montreal? Could it simply have been a woman who bought middlings (floor sweepings) that were delivered to her home in these large burlap bags? Were the tongues made of used clothing from her own family? Did these bits of fabric hold meaning for her? Could you read the tongues as a narrative? Is it indeed a sort of interactive interface?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Story: Mount-Royal / Mont-Royal (MO-1)

View Tongue MO-1 in a larger map


Mount-Royal: 45.5N -73.583333W

Julie Lapalme via Twitter (@cuckoografik)
Montreal - March 1, 2011

Summer 2006. We heard a noise. A plane with a broken wing landed on Ave. du Parc. #TONGUE_MO1 @tonguerug via web Favorite Retweet Reply


