Sunday, December 11, 2011

Progress: December 11, 2011

1900 Census


I’ve been looking for information on my great grandfather for several years now, using free information found online for the most part. I had reached a real standstill. However, when I recently found out in the 1916 Census of the Prairie Provinces that John Angerbaur had emigrated from the United States, I finally decided to subscribe to


1910 Census


It was worth it to be able to examine the census sheets for the 1910 United States Federal Census and finally put together the missing pieces. I came across some good leads. For instance, I had been searching for a “John” when I should have been looking for a “Christopher” (John C Angerbauer): there was a discrepancy between 1900 & 1910. Another interesting find: Mary Angerbauer was not only listed in the 1910 Census, she was also listed in the 1900 United States Federal Census though her name had been misspelled as “Angarbanr”. Her husband’s name was also indecipherable: Chris* Angarbanr. The census indicates that he worked as a “Checker & Wrapper” in the retail clothing industry. (In the 1916 Census, John Angerbauer is listed as a Floorwalker —a Floor manager— for a Department store in Winnipeg).


1880 Census


This discrepancy between the two names eventually led me to his father Joseph Angerbauer, a labourer originally from Wurtemburg, Germany. He had settled in North Plainfield, Somerset, New Jersey. His wife Francis was also German (Baden). Her occupation was listed as “keeping house”; they had seven children. Christopher Angerbauer (b. about 1866) and John C Angerbauer (b. about 1867) were both residents of Plainfield, New Jersey. Am I correct in thinking that they are the same person?







Christopher Angerbauer
(14 years, abt. 1866)
Chri* Angarbanr
(b. 1867)
John C Angerbauer
(b. 1867)
  John Angerbaur
(50 years)
  Mary B Angarbanr
(b. 1870)
Mary B Angerbauer
(b. 1871)
Mary Angerbauer
(b. Oct. 1871)
Mary Angerbaur
(49 years)
  Francis Angarbanr
(8 years)
Frances M Angerbauer
(b. 1892)
Francis Angerbauer
(b. Oct. 1891)
Frances Angerbaur
(24 years)
  Ruth I Angarbanr
(3 years)
Ruth I Angerbauer
(b. 1897)

Ruth Angerbauer
(b. March 1898)

Ruth Angerbaur
(18 years)
    Muriel C Angerbauer
(b. 1902)
Muriel Angerbauer
(b. Dec. 1903)
Muriel Angerbaur
(14 years)
    Catherine L Angerbauer
(b. 1905)

Cathernene Angerbauer
(b. Sept. 1904)

Catherine Angerbaur
(11 years)
    Keenena M Angerbauer
(b. abt 1910)
Kenennena Angerbauer
(b. Nov. 1910)
Kerrena [Kenena] Angerbaur
(6 years)
        Lloyd George Angerbaur
(1 year)


I was able to follow the Angerbauer family through a series of censuses: three in the States, and two in Canada. These census sheets were sometimes testament to how simple human error in transcribing information can complicate matters, as the records were rife with spelling mistakes and omissions. A whole other narrative between the lines.




The question remains: Did John Christopher Angerbauer emigrate to Canada in 1911?